I hope all my readers and friends are in good health and settling in lekker for the year. Can you believe that February is passing us by so quickly? Time waits for no one!
I've received new audiences from 2 cricket playing countries this week, viz. Kenya and Netherlands! Welcome to my funny and sometimes serious blog where I write about what went on in my week as a Bbm Advertiser! Add me for specials and deals on a whole host of interesting items for sale pin:2afa215e
After I published my previous post, I received feedback from friends and some business clients as well that I don't speak to. Nevertheless, I thought it would be good to include it in this weeks post so that people don't think that I over-reacted!
This screengrab was sent to me directly from a client:
And of course another reader contributed the ffg to me:
You know, just a thought that she probably assumed that RapidTrader is run by a man! Just today, a contact msgd me saying she thought I was male! I dunno, do people think that a woman can't run a successful ad agency? Trust me when I say that we multi-task wayyyyy better than most men even when us women are half dying with the flu!
A new contact sent me the ffg message and she is 100% correct!
I mentioned on my FB wall the same night when I published my previous post that people mustn't pretend to be me, nor should they even attempt to step on my toes! If I don't bite, I have many friends that will do so for me! OUCH!!!
Thanx Fathima for your message! I appreciate it!
I've since gone back and removed her bbm pin from my previous post as I don't wish for any more drama. I'm sure that she has learnt her lesson.
Hmmm and Rabia has been msging we every so often with msgs saying she waiting for my next post and when will it be published. I think, doll, you are my number 1 fan of my blog! #hugs
Shout out to Meat Express for handling this matter in the most professional manner and being so understanding. Thanks for sending me the correspondence.
So I found out the meaning of the word 'grot'. A contact msged me saying that it's a nice way to say that someone is NOT pleasing to the eye. After I statused the meaning, I received this crazy msg from my friend:
It means UGLY !!!
This is too funny! Her family named a guy that proposed to her, a grot! So now I think that word is going to be used a bit more often than previously, yeh just blame it on Q !!!
Yes you should know by now that I have a habit to screengrab interesting, funny and crazy stuff, another contact sent me this msg:
LMAO, you know that I just had to include this in my post. Thanks for being a terrific bbm contact #kisses
Making and shaking South Africa this week was the story about the DA 'merging' with AGANG. Media headlined this move in every newspaper, tweet and post on FB. It was a surprise to many and everyone watched what the next step would be.
Alas, the next day, things turned sour and PR was scrambling to turn it into something positive. A friend msgd me:
"DA and AGANG went from DAGANG to DAGONE. Lesson learnt from this? Never kiss on your first date!"
Haha! That was witty!
Aha! What those 2 madams thought? THAT KISS plastered on every newspaper! That they Madonna and Miley @ MTV Awards? Yeh, try pulling off that move @ the next SA Music awards!
#Blocks face
Keeping to the theme of politics, my cousin sent me a hilarious pic that she took out @ Dept Home Affairs. Other family members had it up as their dp bcos it was just so weird. As you can see, the funny bone runs in the family!
Gosh! I really wishhhhh that I had the writer of this sign on my bbm, then I'd have loads of material for my blog posts every week! I don't even want to think about the errors in her bc msgs that she sends out! But more importantly, how on earth did she even get this job. If she can make such blatant errors on a simple sign, I wonder how she is doing in the I.D. / Passports dept! Next time you gotta drag yourself to these torture places, do remember to check that the info is correct on your documents!
By the way, this was the Durban branch of home affairs #embarrassed !!!
Any of u vaalies making a trip to your local home affairs, send thru your funny signs.... come one! Dom people are everywhere!
This next pic was a totally separate screengrab and I was sooo tempted to msg her and ask what happened, eish but you know my time is so limited and I just let it be.
Talk about having a bad experience with some Indian mense! She looks like she was highly irritated with her encounter!
Aaaah this govt. of ours! One minute the price of petrol shoots up sky high and the next, we have bombs going off in remote areas of our country! But I promise to end this post with some news from another country!
And that was from a lady contact #shocked
Really! Don't you just love this wonderful country! Lol
I'm still receiving lots of msgs about strange behaviour of neighbours.....
Some people think that it's perfectly ok to talk/sing/laugh and growl at the top of their lungs! Even if it's early part of the morning! I don't know about you, but at that part of the morning, I'm in a very deep sleep and nobody dare disturb me!
Yeh and some others feel that it's their yard so they can do as they please
What to do? All this noise, noise, noise sounds like fever blisters!
Lol. that was too good not to finish up with the above screengrab! Maybe she just intentionally spelt it wrong cos sometimes people spell words like the way they say it.
So I received this bc:
I'm yet to see this on CNN! This is in India, btw!
There are some really bored people on bbm!
Friends, I know that I'm not around too much on bbm, if I take long to reply to msgs it's because I'm just too busy but I will respond as I get time. I really love all the kind msgs that you send to me on a constant basis #love hugs
Please continue sending in the funny screengrabs, all are saved on my PC
Take care and hav a fab week with your loved ones!
Gotta love me
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