Hey all my lovely friends !!!
Hmm... it has been a crazy week with clients booking for the Valentines rush and I wont even begin to blog about the kiddies homework!! My afternoons are now strictly with the kids, you would think that they are busy with final exam preps, the amount of homework they are swamped with is unreal. So please bear with me, if I don't reply to you it's because I am with my little darlings!
I had a look at my stats on my blog home page and I'm thrilled to say I have followers from Brazil, Malaysia, Italy and Poland! I'm all smiles. Welcome to my blog, all the way from South Africa!
We are well into the summer season in SA, gosh it's really hot! I have to admit that I can't do without the a/c. People, drink plenty of fluids and make sure that the kiddos do as well. If you have pets, keep them hydrated as well and out of the sun. Us Durbanites just can't get enough of the beach! It's oh-so quiet and empty. Early mornings walks and cool evening strolls make it an ideal family time. #dancing
Aaah, to start this post with something positive... It was my birthday last week and wow! Thanks everyone for all the lovely and kind msgs. There were too many to count, but one msg stood out and really touched my heart!
Thnx Lutfiyya #hugs
Some contacts wanted to take me out for lunch and coffee! Others wanted to send a birthday cake to me but yorl were Jhb based. All in all, I was truly humbled by the many bbm msgs! #mwahs
Yeh sooo... I have been receiving emails and other correspondence from one and all asking what really happened with the contact that pretended to be me. After my last post, everyone have been waiting eagerly to hear it straight from the horses mouth!
A contact of mine msged me saying:
"Q !!! Hold onto your hat because there is someone else on bbm that's imitating you and goes as almost the same name as you!"
Eish, you know medically, I have no issues health-wise but this was enough to send even a low blood pressure sky high! She immediately screengrabbed his name and sent it to me. Apparently he had a different name but thought it was a good move to change his name to "Rapid Ads". Many clients had his name as a contact, so he discreetly changed to Rapid Ads and some of my clients were messaging him, thinking that it was me and booking ad space with him! Talk about riding on my success, for him, it was like riding a tsunami wave! I'm not sure for how long he had this name change #thinking
After I bc'ed a msg to my clients telling them that I work alone and I'm not affiliated with anyone, I started receiving numerous msgs all saying how astonished they were about this con. My good friends started bbming him, asking him to change his name, which he eventually did. I think he didn't anticipate the loyalty of RapidTrader contacts!
I did change my name to 'Aisha' for a while and thought about inviting him and giving him a piece of my mind but let go of that because he got the msg from my contacts!
I really want to thank everyone for going out of your way for helping me expose this fraud and putting everything into perspective. It makes my life easier knowing that I can count on you for your support. I apologise if your chat to me is not in this post as u can well imagine, I receive many many msgs.
This happened about 3 weeks ago....
As if that wasn't enough, I experienced another nasty episode this week:
As you know, I run 'Special Requests' on my bbm and this is totally free. I do it totally for the pleasure of the Almighty. All requests are saved and I status it as I have space on my bbm. Sooo I had hubby's request this weekend, he was looking for something. The thing is, no one knew that he was my hubby. He received some invites that looked favourable and started sifting through the time wasters immediately. He don't have too many contacts, about 18 contacts or so! #blocks face
He is totally not interested in receiving bc's from contacts. After all, if he is looking for something, he just asks me to find it for him.
So a 'Rene pin:2b7......' invited him. After the "hi, how can I help" routine, she ended up being a man-eater!
She had the damn cheek to say:
"I don't have what you are looking for but I''m so bored, do you mind if we chat a bit?"
Gosh I was cross and I checked that she was indeed a contact on my bbm. He msgd back that he is not interested in a chat, he don't chat to women, is happily married, deleted her immediately AND blocked her.
I was so tempted to msg her but he said to me, let it go. And this was after 10pm @ night!
The next day, she msged me. Of course, last night's episode was still lingering on in my mind and I was just itching to give her a piece of my mind! This was my chat with her. Thankfully, I immediately screengrabbed her chat with me. I have the habit to do so with anyone that troubles me.
The funny thing is that I was advertising for "Meat Express" at the time and she chose to include their info in her bc, bad-mouthing them in the process. Ag, you get some people with a low IQ and you just gotta accept their weird take on life.
I can assure you that Meat Express run a totally straight forward halaal business and are widely known throughout SA! I will vouch for their honesty and integrity any day!
U know after I sent out a bc telling everyone to pls ignore a person by the name of Rene, everyone wanted to know what happened. I couldn't respond to all so it was just easier to blog about it. And then a client msgd me with the ffg:
What can I say? I should have deleted her the same night! Another contact thats really waiting to hear what happened:
LMAO !!! It's one of the reasons why I started this blog because I go through the ups and downs! Some are funny and some are downright frustrating !!!
Hmmmmm..... 2 nasty episodes in 1 blog! That's a first for me!
Maybe I should have just done what this contact wishes to do to their contacts:
Yeh that will probably solve the problem. This warrants a visit to Fruit & Veg City!
Whaaat? Free advertising for them on my blog? Hehe...
I know that I'm late with this one, but it was lost with my other screengrabs:
What's your thoughts on this? I didn't see an update on this contact's status so I'm not sure if the money was given out! A money incentive for 8 A's. Eish that's a tough act to achieve. Do pupils that attain that many A's even own blackberry's? #thinking
Hmmm yes, we all know how distracting a bb is!
Aaah, I came across a new word from a contact. Though I'm not sure what it means. Is this a vaalie word?
It's just that I haven't heard a person locally mention that word. You know I love all my Jozi friends! #hugs
I really have no idea what it is. Maybe a slang word from the older generations? Someone msg me and clear the air please!
Oh yes.... this made the news last week on bbm. Where else can this happen, but in Lenz??? It wasn't the lady's snake but she was kind enough to put it as her status as I noticed many others did so. The bc ended as: 'Please don't panic, stay calm'
So now? Residents were supposed to stay calm while a dangerous pet was slithering away in their backyards? AND a hungry python, nogal! It's madness!
Now and then I receive msgs from people asking me:
'Are you the author for Diary of a Guji Girl?'
Sowwwy, that's a different Q and not me!!! Apparently she ends her posts with: 'Q'
Between doing bbm ads , blogging here and dealing with contacts that I wana bust a coconut on, I don't really have much time!
I was sent this screengrab of a New Years resolution...
Don't know if this person is a cop? That's saying it as it is!
This past week I've been receiving numerous bc's about a contact named Charlize. Apparently she owed people money and they wanted her contact details. Me being a softy, I didn't bc the request about her because I really don't wish to get involved with things like this as it may turn nasty. But I did notice that she sent out a bc apologising and stating her reasons. Looks like she was let down by her supplier.
I wish to end this post by saying to all:
Please don't annoy me and think that you can tell me what you want and by deleting me, your problem is solved. I will find you and I have an excellent memory as some contacts tell me.
I actually feel much better blogging about my experiences and I hope people learn from their mistakes.
Gotta love me
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