Lovely logging in and finding that my audience has increased to include Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon! I'm ecstatic!
SA schools close this week and this past week has been crazy for all mums and dads attending their kids Awards functions. Excited parents had their kid's pics up with their certificates and trophies... well done to all those who excelled! My kids awards will be held next year Feb and a beeeeg hug goes to my nephew Mohammed Furqaan Khan who topped his class with 1st position and received Most Outstanding achievement award! Mwah to you sweetheart!
In response to my blog before this, I have been absolutely inundated with messages! All agreed that it pays to be kind and good mannered! Some people are just born with a serious lack of patience and seriously need to be enrolled into anger management classes - don't know if there is lifelong membership for the person on my previous post. Cos 3 months course won't do justice to what he needs.
Thank you Roshal for your kind words *hugs
Wellllll said Tasneem! I couldn't agree with you more! Other bloggers feel that using vulgar language is what draws readers - I think content is most important. A writer loves to share a connection with readers and ultimately create a special liason with all - I hope that I have found a way into everyones hearts and lives!
Thanks to Farino for the info on the underground chickens, lol! This had me really stumped and how silly of me NOT to think that they are cooked underground! Heehee, gr8 chatting to you as well *hugs
My good friend, Zaakirah forwarded me her response to the annoying bc's about bbm shutting down. If you will never ever do what she suggests, then do all of us a favour and don't bc idiotic msgs like this!!!
Thank you Asmaa for your comments below. Your msg to me brightened up my day! *hugs
Last week I received such a weird msg from a client who wished to advertise his business on RapidTrader. Some people are mental and I definitely declined. I had the screengrab up on my dp and the msgs that followed after were toooo many. I'm not sure if I still have the screengrab saved, drop me an e-mail or bbm to find out what it was. Thanx SD for your advice soon afterwards, you are a gem of a person! *kiss
Maher Zain!
What's Q gonna blog about him????
The following is controversial, but it's my thoughts and I am entitled to my opinion!
For those who don't know who he is, he is a Swedish, Muslim singer though he has incorporated music into his songs which we are not allowed to listen to. He has worked with big names in USA including M.Jackson. He will be touring SA this month. Nooooo I'm not going to attend, I have no intention to!!!
Sooooo I've been receiving bc msgs warning us not to attend his show. Good point. And then I receive the bc msg again. And again. And again. From the same contacts. I don't have a problem with contacts reminding me about whats right and whats wrong BUT I have a serious problem when u send me bc msgs about not attending his show BUT your status proves that you are a hypocrite.
You have statuses like:
"Yayyyy! @ Suncoast, DND" (Suncoast is a mall/casino in Durban)
"Awesome dance night"
And then there are others that just love to judge people. I say: put your house in order first please! Look at what you are doing wrong - see how you can improve your life and that of your children and then your family BEFORE you constantly comment about others. How do you know if he practices Islam more than us? If he makes ibadat/prays more than us? If he has a Friday mauth/death, are you still gonna judge him? I guess those that are reading this and are not of the muslim faith won't really understand what I'm getting at, be that as it may, that's my take on it!
To those that bc me msgs about Islam, I cherish reading them - I have lots of friends and family that do - keep 'em coming!
BB has gone beserk this week with the news about Paul Walker passing away in a car crash. He had a good following around the globe and honestly I wasn't going to mention him in my blog but I have been receiving soooo funny bc msgs about him, I thought to myself: Why not?
Checkout the next screengrab:
I just burst out laughing when I received this bc! I mean, do contacts just blindly copy and paste msgs and then bc? Do they take the time to read msgs? NOT in this case! Even her status mixed up his stage name! Last I recall, 'brain' is sooooo uncool for a racing driver's name!
Guess what?
I have a BBC correspondent in my contacts! How cool is that? I get to hear the latest what's happening in the news so I am really kept upto date! Like seriously????? I'd like to know which team this contact belongs to, probably the BBC Playgroup Team, if you can't spell "message", I don't know how you got the job! Next we will be hearing that Elvis is alive and Lennon was seen in Rome!
The ffg 2 pics are from FB, and it's along the same lines. I mean, if you are going to write a comment about something on your FB wall - which is like sooooooo public, at least take the time to know your facts before making a fool of yourself! FB is not some school/college thing which is restricted to few friends, any goof-ups goes viral!
Speaking of FB, I haven't had time to see what's happening on my wall, and who's commenting or liking, there's just no time. Haha, but you have been checking up on my birth date! Sly sly! Not sure if that belated gift is coming with a big red bow or not, just like I suggested - Awesome chatting to you awla time! It's great having you around *hugs n kisses
I'm still having a problem with contacts pinging me if they want me to reply to them. Changing my dp + status and sending out a bc does not mean I'm available for a chat. It means I had 5 min to quickly do just that and I will reply to msgs as I get time. My bb stays on "phone calls only" and the ping has been de-activated. I receive between 25-30 msgs/hour. Some contacts ping without saying another word. How am I supposed to know what u wish to know???? I just end your chat. The best would be for you to greet and leave your request so that I know how to respond. To those of you that ping in error and apologise thereafter, I make it my duty to msg back : 'Apology accepted'
I got this bc the other day:
After grinding my teeth, I think to myself, do contacts actually love to receive pings? How damn annoying! In fact, some contacts just wait to receive pings, they really wait for it. I need to bring together the above contact and the next one below, they can sit the whole day pinging each other:
I received this lunch time crazy screengrab, and as usual I always edit out their info.
Welllll, the obvious would be to lay a complaint at the take-away where you bought it from! I'm not sure how putting it as your status is gonna help you...... besides spoiling our appetite for lunch! It makes you think twice about eating out. I dunno where this contact resides so ppl dont msg me asking.
I booked my drivers test for next year, *blocks face - just waiting to get that sorted out before I can tackle on achieving my next goal. People, always stay motivated in life! I see some really sad statuses on my dp - it's your life so take control of it! Work on what your obstacles are and find a way to overcome them. If you persist and put in that effort, you will see the results. Don't allow others to belittle you and make you feel worthless. Take a stand and be proud of who you are! Mistakes of the past are learning curves, put it behind you and move forward, don't dwell on it - learn from it!
Enjoy the December holidays to all my South African readers. It's sunshine, clear skies and lovely summer weather, make the most of it! All you vaalies that are coming to Durbs, I do hope that you have a fantastic time on our beachfront and take in our lovely Durbanite hospitality!
Until next time...... Mwah to all !!!
Gotta love me,
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