Thursday, 28 November 2013

Whatsapp is closing down......

Good morning everyone.
A very special helllooooo to my friends in China! Yayyy my blog is being read worldwide! I hope that you will find my writings interesting and entertaining! It's all light-hearted jokes and some serious stuff! Do take the time to read my previous posts as well! *hugs

My bb device has been giving me problems for the past week so I had to give it in for a software upgrade on Monday and wow! I was really suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I was using my 2nd bb to chat to family and all were saying: 'U must be enjoying the peace and quiet" and I'm thinking: "Nooooo ways!!!"

 Oooooh, we coming close to December hol's, I can just feel the excitement with the increase in peeps advertising. As your'll are aware I will be taking a much deserved semi-holiday from the 14th of December - 5th of January. I have been bc-ing all the info this past week, do take the time to read it!
Did your'll hear what's happening to Whatsapp? Oh come on!!!! Don't tell me that you didn't get the bc???? It's been doing the rounds every 2 weeks or so......
Yeh I heard that it's shutting down....
Oooops! Did I say Whatsapp? I meant Bbm!!!! Haha, aaaargh, you all know what I'm getting at! You rushing to get home because you wana check msgs before you do anything else and u see-

1st chat:
'Bbm is shutting down, to avoid being deleted, you must bc this code.....'
Oh no, don't tell me this nonsense has started again!

2nd chat:
'....... they will know that you didn't bc......'
Eish, this idiot also bc's this msg!

3rd chat:
'....... bc to all your contacts by midnight......'

4th chat:
'...... you have to bc this code 5346867......"

By now all you can think of is wringing these peoples necks and saying to them: Grow up please! Why are your'll so ignorant and gullible? Not me, being a softie I just msg them a *blocked face or a polite msg:

But other contacts get really realllly cross and really take off with them, not that I blame them. These constant bc's about bbm shutting down are a real pain in the a... Checkout these 2 responses - I promise its a riot!

What about those msgs that say: if you love your mum, bc the msg or she will die in 1 years time. If you think I'm typing hogwash, see this:
Where do people come up with messages like this? Do they sit alone in their room and think: Leme type out a bc about my mum. Most people will think of loving poetry with references to beauty and all things pretty, others are real nutcases. But see her status: If she is so serious about her bc msg, I can't fathom whats so funny about it.....
Oh! and dare I forget about those "if you love the devil bc's" - I'm yet to come across any satanists on bbm. Have you seen any black clothed people in a black room with black candles playing their favourite pastime -ouija and all that jazz? Nope I didn't think so

So this fellow bc'ed this message and I was really curious to find out what he got in 30 seconds. A new phone? No! A good mark for exams? No! His dad gave him the car to use? Nooooooo!
I'm guessing lunch!!!!! See his status! LMAO!!!

Now we all love our pets. I honestly don't have any, my 2 sons keep me on my toes - but I just love reading other contacts statuses about their beloved cats and dogs AND see all their cute profile pictures. Awwww its adorable!!! Eish, but read this status:

*blocks face
All those cute pics from my mind just went flying out through the window instantly and horrible thoughts came in - double eeeeew from me and now u thinking the same thing, and laughing to yourself!!! Hahahaha!

I have many people selling poultry from home/farm on my bbm which is a good thing because many people like their chickens fresh. I've heard of 'zulu chickens' and 'cornish hens' BUT for the life of me, I just don't know what "underground chickens" are ???!!!

Is this a Jhb thing? *blocks face
Because this contact is from Jhb and I definitely havent heard any Durbanite using that phrase!!! Some type of chicken with underground links to the mafia..... ooop! that's "underworld" , but nevermind - will just leave it at that!

Aaaargh! Now I had to include this next piece in my blog. As a bbm advertiser, I receive many nasty comments from people that think it's ok to verbally abuse me. I'm fed up with brainless people like this, from now on: name and shame!

I don't care if this man is your husband/uncle/brother or friend - I will absolutely NOT tolerate language like this. I will screengrab the chats, delete and put on my 'ignored list'.
He had a gripe because he had to bc my ad and I was only accepting his 1 line ad, not thinking that pin trains are all about being 1 line! I was also highly upset at his insinuation that other bbm advertisers are fair and I am not.
One thing I learnt is that attitude like this doesn't get you far in life, what you sow, you shall reap! If anyone feels that they have a problem with the service that I provide, please say so politely and then delete yourself. Will it kill you to have manners? I work hard to find time to answer all questions and queries, liase with clients for ad space, change my dp+status and send out bc's timeously. It takes alot of multi-tasking and organisational skills to do what I do + I have a family to see to! The next spineless person that feels it's ok to disrespect me in this manner, think again!

It's been a crazy week and I am thankful for all the wonderful friends that I have, I wouldn''t be where I am today without all the love and support from you ALL!

Thank you Charmaine *rose for you
Thanx M for the chat this morning, waiting to hear good news from you and I'm happy to hear that I don't have an expiry date, lol!

Please take it easy on the roads, the holiday season is upon us in South Africa. Always wear your seatbelt and remember the rule of 10;
Leave 10 minutes earlier
Keep a 10 second gap with the car in front of you  AND
Reduce your speed by 10km!

Take care people,
Gotta love me

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