Thursday, 3 April 2014

Bats,Aliens and Thieves, our Rainbow Nation

Slms people! How are you keeping?  Aaaah I’ve met some super fabulous contacts on my new bb and it’s great chatting to you (when I get the chance). I’m excited that this week my blog has expanded to Singapore and Aruba!!! Wow, amazing stuff  #smiles.

Oscar fever has hit us with a bang and everyone is talking about this trial. I read in my local paper that the interest in this trial has outnumbered the interest in the preparations for Brazil WorldCup 2014 !!! As usual I see the comments as well, that why should this case  take precedence over 100s of other murders and crimes that take place on a daily basis in our country? To put it bluntly, if you are famous and a celebrity, everyone wants to read the juicy tidbits that come out, the proverbial skeletons in the closet and YES....... that they also human and shouldn’t be up there on that pedestal in the first place!

On a sad note, after weeks of speculation, the fate of flight MH370 was announced and it puts to rest the sleepless and anxious nights of the family. Losing a loved one is never easy and it’s worse when you cannot perform the final rites of the deceased. Our lesson from this is to forgive those that hurt us, don’t hold grudges and show more love and appreciation to those that give you their 100% and you treat them like a nobody. Think about it, because he/she may be here today but can easily be gone tomorrow! Why wait till after the person has passed away to tell them how much you love them when that would be too late. Tell them NOW while you still have them......

Some of my contacts are always positive and I love the fact that they are self motivated despite what they are going through in their personal lives. Then I notice that I have the complainers. You know the type, they are forever complaining about their headaches, flu, joint pains, migraines, butt pains and their bosses! Ooops! The last 2 were the same thing but you know what I’m getting at! People ... self medicate, go to the docs, go for tests, make an appointment to go for x-rays SOMETHING. I’d never want to be around you honestly because if you can constantly whine about your aches on bbm I can just imagine what it’s like to sit with you through lunch.

Contacts are just fed up:

That about sums it up!
I don’t know about you but I’m just loving 2014 so far. My days are full of surprises, work and generally changing people’s lives through my advertising. We are now end of March –start of April and this following  contact of mine cannot wait for the year to be over!

Hun, I really think it’s time to re-assess what’s bothering you and enjoy your days.
Now that’s very hard to do if you thinking of pulling the ffg daring stunt:

But seriously, some of these call centres are known to phone at odd hours of the night. Just when you about to get some serious sleep and drift off  into blissful daydreams, the phone rings. Of course, the first thought that comes to my mind is that it’s a funeral message (late night calls are usually that). I would be insanely upset if any call centre wakes me up from my sleep. Then I’d probably need some bail money to get me out. No worries, I’m sure with 1 bc msg from Q, my dear contacts will help me out! Would you????  LMAO.... Check this out:

Haha... no it wasn’t for me, I promise! But it really got me intrigued for who it was and what was the crime? Now I’ve got gangsters on my BB! Yikes!
You know, the one thing about blackberry is that it really has a mind of its own.... You could be busy typing out msgs and next thing you know it re-starts..... By this time I make a bee line for the charger because this is a real battery drainer! Some contacts feel that their phones are possessed!

How many of you feel like this? Aaaah ....don’t stress! I’m sure I have a contact that can sort it out. Eish don’t waste your time with repair centres... They only talk smart when you could have easily googled the info yourself. I introduce to you:

Ooooh I was so torn when I came across this profile! Now I’m wondering if the contact does postage/courier across the country.

 Nothing like some aromatic herbs and bones doing the rounds at our local post office..... #LMAO
Worker 1: Haai, I scheme we open this parcel cos the vrou chuned our anniversary coming up soon.
Worker 2: Ya, let’s dala this parcel. Maybe you will get lucky and it will be GHD.
Worker 1: Lol, the vrou thought I bought her that GHD for Valentines Day.
Worker 2: Ok no stop chuning, let’s see what’s inside...
A scene I would love to experience first hand....
Speaking of our country’s essential services, sometimes you gotta draw from all your reserve powers of patience. Who likes dealing with them anyways? Soooo not my cuppa tea:

Here is the zoom in of the picture. But  it sure sums it up!!!

What do you do when you just had about enough with your mrs? Have an auction!!! Of course, RapidTrader will never accept an advert like this but check out this cheeky next screengrab:

Men will be men and I just wonder what was going through this man’s mind when he had this status up. And he had a pic of the lady as his display pic! #blocks face . I know lots of contacts that are doing fundraising for good causes but this is something else!
Aaaaah our beloved SA! There is really no place like home! Ag, but I was sad to see the ffg screengrab:

People please be careful especially during the holiday season. Watch over your valuables all the time. Another contact went through a traumatic experience but I didn’t know what to make of this

At least it had a good ending, honest crooks et al! LMAO
Everyone across the world know that South Africa is known as the Rainbow Nation since we are a melting pot of so many different cultures. But this really is a first:

That was really funny, alien nation... Others just go straight to the point and say it as they feel it!

That was a popular term in my young days for girl that thought she had it all but didn't, I guess that some words remain over time cos it doesn’t lose it’s effectiveness!
This week a contact asked me for the correct time. Haha, no problems at all. After I screengrabbed her chat and had it as my dp, I noticed other contacts asking me the same question! No worries. Any way I can help, I’m happy. #smiles

This bc has been doing the rounds and it really irritated me. Some contacts really have too much time on their hands.

I just end chats like this immediately. It’s crazy. A contact of mine didn’t waste any time and sent this out:

And then I get the ffg:

The person that sent this bc out...... Come on! If someone is lost in a field, how is that going to affect me in the 2 days? This definitely is a school kid cos i don’t think any mature adult will send something like this.
I really have some crazy-mad people but you gotta admit they are highly entertaining!

I always love ending my post with happy messages:

As I end this post, I must admit that most of the content was written about 10 days ago but I haven't been in the best of health. I was thinking of editing parts of this post but I thought that I'd rather just leave it as is.
Take extra good care people and I will chat to you as I'm free.
Please remember all those who are ill, may the Almighty grant everyone shifa / cure .... ameen

Gotta love me.
The Drama Queen

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