Thursday, 28 November 2013

Whatsapp is closing down......

Good morning everyone.
A very special helllooooo to my friends in China! Yayyy my blog is being read worldwide! I hope that you will find my writings interesting and entertaining! It's all light-hearted jokes and some serious stuff! Do take the time to read my previous posts as well! *hugs

My bb device has been giving me problems for the past week so I had to give it in for a software upgrade on Monday and wow! I was really suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I was using my 2nd bb to chat to family and all were saying: 'U must be enjoying the peace and quiet" and I'm thinking: "Nooooo ways!!!"

 Oooooh, we coming close to December hol's, I can just feel the excitement with the increase in peeps advertising. As your'll are aware I will be taking a much deserved semi-holiday from the 14th of December - 5th of January. I have been bc-ing all the info this past week, do take the time to read it!
Did your'll hear what's happening to Whatsapp? Oh come on!!!! Don't tell me that you didn't get the bc???? It's been doing the rounds every 2 weeks or so......
Yeh I heard that it's shutting down....
Oooops! Did I say Whatsapp? I meant Bbm!!!! Haha, aaaargh, you all know what I'm getting at! You rushing to get home because you wana check msgs before you do anything else and u see-

1st chat:
'Bbm is shutting down, to avoid being deleted, you must bc this code.....'
Oh no, don't tell me this nonsense has started again!

2nd chat:
'....... they will know that you didn't bc......'
Eish, this idiot also bc's this msg!

3rd chat:
'....... bc to all your contacts by midnight......'

4th chat:
'...... you have to bc this code 5346867......"

By now all you can think of is wringing these peoples necks and saying to them: Grow up please! Why are your'll so ignorant and gullible? Not me, being a softie I just msg them a *blocked face or a polite msg:

But other contacts get really realllly cross and really take off with them, not that I blame them. These constant bc's about bbm shutting down are a real pain in the a... Checkout these 2 responses - I promise its a riot!

What about those msgs that say: if you love your mum, bc the msg or she will die in 1 years time. If you think I'm typing hogwash, see this:
Where do people come up with messages like this? Do they sit alone in their room and think: Leme type out a bc about my mum. Most people will think of loving poetry with references to beauty and all things pretty, others are real nutcases. But see her status: If she is so serious about her bc msg, I can't fathom whats so funny about it.....
Oh! and dare I forget about those "if you love the devil bc's" - I'm yet to come across any satanists on bbm. Have you seen any black clothed people in a black room with black candles playing their favourite pastime -ouija and all that jazz? Nope I didn't think so

So this fellow bc'ed this message and I was really curious to find out what he got in 30 seconds. A new phone? No! A good mark for exams? No! His dad gave him the car to use? Nooooooo!
I'm guessing lunch!!!!! See his status! LMAO!!!

Now we all love our pets. I honestly don't have any, my 2 sons keep me on my toes - but I just love reading other contacts statuses about their beloved cats and dogs AND see all their cute profile pictures. Awwww its adorable!!! Eish, but read this status:

*blocks face
All those cute pics from my mind just went flying out through the window instantly and horrible thoughts came in - double eeeeew from me and now u thinking the same thing, and laughing to yourself!!! Hahahaha!

I have many people selling poultry from home/farm on my bbm which is a good thing because many people like their chickens fresh. I've heard of 'zulu chickens' and 'cornish hens' BUT for the life of me, I just don't know what "underground chickens" are ???!!!

Is this a Jhb thing? *blocks face
Because this contact is from Jhb and I definitely havent heard any Durbanite using that phrase!!! Some type of chicken with underground links to the mafia..... ooop! that's "underworld" , but nevermind - will just leave it at that!

Aaaargh! Now I had to include this next piece in my blog. As a bbm advertiser, I receive many nasty comments from people that think it's ok to verbally abuse me. I'm fed up with brainless people like this, from now on: name and shame!

I don't care if this man is your husband/uncle/brother or friend - I will absolutely NOT tolerate language like this. I will screengrab the chats, delete and put on my 'ignored list'.
He had a gripe because he had to bc my ad and I was only accepting his 1 line ad, not thinking that pin trains are all about being 1 line! I was also highly upset at his insinuation that other bbm advertisers are fair and I am not.
One thing I learnt is that attitude like this doesn't get you far in life, what you sow, you shall reap! If anyone feels that they have a problem with the service that I provide, please say so politely and then delete yourself. Will it kill you to have manners? I work hard to find time to answer all questions and queries, liase with clients for ad space, change my dp+status and send out bc's timeously. It takes alot of multi-tasking and organisational skills to do what I do + I have a family to see to! The next spineless person that feels it's ok to disrespect me in this manner, think again!

It's been a crazy week and I am thankful for all the wonderful friends that I have, I wouldn''t be where I am today without all the love and support from you ALL!

Thank you Charmaine *rose for you
Thanx M for the chat this morning, waiting to hear good news from you and I'm happy to hear that I don't have an expiry date, lol!

Please take it easy on the roads, the holiday season is upon us in South Africa. Always wear your seatbelt and remember the rule of 10;
Leave 10 minutes earlier
Keep a 10 second gap with the car in front of you  AND
Reduce your speed by 10km!

Take care people,
Gotta love me

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Studying and Hot Pics

Hey everyone! How are your'll keeping? I hope everyone is in good health! Whew it's a scorcher of a day today..... helllooooo summer!
There has been sooo many responses to my previous posts so I thought I'd share the following 2 screengrabs with you. It just goes to show that I'm not the only one who finds those people annoying. I wasn't the only one to be bombarded with bc's every 2 minutes.

So now people are being corrected continuously but they choose to remain ignorant, never mind that they are being talked about. *blocks face 
If someone corrects me about anything, I actually thank the person sincerely and make it a point never to repeat the mistake. I don't know, makes me wonder how they were in school ... probably just managing to pass their English exams. I can now understand the frustration of teachers when they used to reprimand some pupils in class over and over again. Do people continue being dumb, even in their adult lives? Sure looks like it! Thanks M.Kisses for the chat!

Speaking of which, kids are busy with exams. I won't even begin to say how stressful it is for all parents, esp the mums! Do father's sit with the kids exams revision?? How about some feedback on that? It feels like we all are back in school, got to make time for the kids. Some are already over and some pupils are in the midst of it. I'm sure everyone, especially matriculants are stressed about their results.
 This girl is not allowed to keep her phone with her when she is studying, and rightly so!! but I couldn't help but laugh when I read her status. Punctuation marks are so important hun!!! Unless you call your big bro/sis "studying"

Welllll not only school students are busy with exams, even professionals are. I came across this verrrry apt profile pic from a friend. It pretty much sums it up!!! I hope everyone receive the best of results, it's the effort that you put in!

Okayyyy...... so now some of you may know that I'm busy with driving lessons.... lol now yorl all know! It's been something that I wish to accomplish soon, though I haven't had time to book my test as yet. I've been really motivated to do this by my good friend in Jhb, thank you for being you *hugs
It's not that I'm nervous to drive or whatever but eish, ask anyone in Durbs and everyone will tell you how crazy Brickfield Rd is and we are right in the middle of it. Never mind taxi drivers here, Even the ladies experience road rage! *blocks face
It's like everyone who has a car in Overport just have to come outa the house for the smallest of reasons, our road is choked awla time!!! One edition of our local paper gets delivered and all the aunties just gotta stock up on steak from Star Meats, Steers sauces from Marcellos, cooldrink from B.Foodmarket and drive awla way to Jolly's cos the chicken is cheap there! Ha!!! but they do have awesome specials - free advertising for them on my blog - someone send them my link please and they can eft into my account!!!
 But why are ladies so critical of other lady drivers? I came across this status and I couldn't stop laughing!

Whenever I'm busy with my lessons, I've had to really concentrate on what my instructor is telling me. I'm always laughing and smiling at my mistakes, I can't help it - it's who I am and that's my personality! I've had to learn to NOT look at other personalised number plates, which I always do when I'm with my hubby and when I stop at robots, I've got to NOT look at the car next to me but anticipate robot changes. But what happens when you see this:

Eish! Why on earth would anyone wana push their seats so far back? It's definitely a male thing cos I'm yet to see a female like this on the road - ladies usually touch up on their make-up etc at robots....and it's not restricted to Chats in Durbs! I betcha any weekend, if u drive around in Lenz and that Zoo lake place, you will see male drivers tryna outdo each other for this!!!
I say "zoo lake place" cos I'm a thoroughbred and proud Durbanite, though I don't speak the slang lingo that all vaalies think we do. If I want something, I don't "aks' for it and neither do I "choon" on bbm!!! *blocks face

So I gotta share the next 2 experiences with yorl.
I received a bbm request from someone that was looking for a Guess retailer specifically in the Jhb area. I had a free spot coming up so I bc'ed the request. A contact of mine that sells, msged me saying that she won't invite the person bcos what if its a cop? So I sent out another bc saying that contacts must be wary of who they invite bcos with over 2000 contacts, I don't know who is a cop or not.
One contact asked me: what's a cop? *blocks face
And thennnnnn, I received a msg saying: I'm a cop...... with a huge grin, nogal!
Yikes! But Sola is a good cop and has been around on bbm for verrrrry long. And I know with the numerous updates he gives out, he really strives to keep the community safe. Well done!!!

My day is sooo hectic, I sometimes run around like tornado. Yesterday I was soooooo busy, I hurriedly changed my dp and continued with my pc work. I had my bb on charge but after a while I checked my bb and I see it was gone beserk with bbm msgs. This annoyed me bcos I hav been requesting people to move me to their non-bc category. When I checked my bbm, I was absolutely mortified to see my dp! Haha, many of you know what dp I had up! But reallllly, it was an honest mistake, but yoh! I received many smiling, laughing, winking eyes, ROFL and oolala comments! One contact asked me if it was me on the pic! *blocks face!!!!!!
Many ladies asked me to send them the pic again, I'm sure to send to their hubby's at work and they probably were sitting with smug faces in the office! RapidTrader Teaser on a Tuesday!

I couldn't screengrab everyone's response, there were just tooooo many. Here is a few of the replies that I received:

It's been lovely typing out this post and I get tickled pink when I read all my previous posts as well! With all the stress that we go through everyday, I think that it's important to laugh a little at ourselves cos honestly, we need to! Keep those screengrabs coming in and remember Q in duas

Gotta love me

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Eclipse and Irritations

Hi! Good Morning to everyone. It's been fantastic reading all the positive messages and congrats on my blog, thanks FH to you also! you know who you are - your bbm message took me by surprise and I loved chatting to you. You suggested I should consider writing a book - one day is one day! *hugs

As much as I would love to blog everyday it is impossible for me to do so. So this will be my weekly blog where by Thursday latest a new post will be published.

Some people get so emotional when they leave bbm. I mean I don't blame them and I have come pretty attached to that red light and dare I say it, PING, haha. They will start early with bc's, like:

'Will be going off bbm soon'
'Final week on bbm'
'Please delete this device as I won't be using this bb anymore'

But this is surely a classic! *blocks face
The one thing I noticed is that when I come across spelling errors, it's usually the way people talk. Anyway, I don't think that she was selling anything, because it definitely wasn't a "good buy." Am I gonna miss her? Yep definitely!

So I believe in some countries, an eclipse was visible to the eye, it wasn't seen in South Africa. When we were in school, we all were given a pair of paper glasses and were warned to only view it through the glasses. Some characters used foil and some other funny stuff - don't know how safe that was! We all waited for the allocated time and oohed and aahed over it, all one big group of kids.Now with all the hype surrrounding an eclipse, no one wants to be left out of viewing it, so if you don't have something suitable, you have to improvise!!!
The best way would be:
1) To sit comfortably on a plastic chair.
2) Make sure no one is there to interrupt you by being alone. 
3) Alone ensures that nobody is there to take out an embarrassing picture of you.
4) Pull over a bin packet, check that it completely covers the head.
5) Wait for eclipse!!!


Aaaaah! But you were caught on camera! A contact sent this screengrab - whatever'll be will be! I'm not sure if the packet really protected the lady's eye or how clearly she could see the eclipse.
Thank you for this picture Mc and I hope that you enjoy this write up of your picture!

Oooh now this is tricky! I came across a word on a contacts status that was so hilarious and funny but eish it's not for under 18s *blocks face. I figured that she was soooo cross with her fiance and yoh she was too mad for words! This was the screengrab of my chat to my sister and she agreed that it's a hot word!!! 

If you have me on bbm, msg me for that word or drop me an e-mail:
Don't get cross with me when I do bbm/email you that word, though you are welcome to send me a *shocked face

Now we all know how we just love to update our status with whats happening in our lives or msgs of congrats and inspirational quotes. This lady didn't know when to stop! I mean does she ramble on like this in real life? You know the type!!! You out quietly doing your shopping and you are in a verrrry big hurry cos you need to pick up the kids from school or you at a function where everyone is chatting in measured tones burrrrrrrt you will bump into this type....... You want to hide, anywhere will do and inwardly you sigh that 'eish  now I'm reallly stuck with this unwanted conversation. I think this contact needed to say out her status in a single breath..... kinda like that MY Diner Ad we all know sooooo very well on radio.... LMAO

Last night I experienced a highly annoying episode. So I go about bc-ing my msg to everyone to send in their ads. Alot of thought goes into writing up my bc's because I have to be innovative in this very competitive field. I received a bc from someone with the exact same words as mines, only the pin has been changed!!! How unfair is that? This person looks at MY bc and thinks: "Leme be a smart-ass and just edit it with my info". Ooooooh I was positively fuming and demanded an apology. The contact very lamely said "the agency gave me the ad". I immediately deleted and placed the contact in my "ignored list". I hate liars. Fullstop.
Thanks to all my friends who gave me loads of encouragement in dealing with this contact and I really feel special when you take the time to comment and advise me. You know who you are, too many to mention.

Another irritation happened to me this week. I received a new invite from a person and in 5 minutes I received 10 bc's. I suggested that I be placed in a non-bc category but that request was ignored. After 1 hour, I received about 20 more bc's and after 3 hours my head was spinning!!!! I immediately deleted the contact and placed him/her on my 'ignored list'. I mean if you have a business and send about 1-2 bc's a day I can handle that but not the way I was bombarded like that! I really don't know how other contacts deal with this.

I'd love to end this post with a positive note, so here's a kind msg from a contact:

Have a fantastic week and I hope to chat with all of you again 
*rose for u

Take care

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Good Morning everyone!

Whoa! what a busy busy week thus far! Our competition deadline was on Sunday but due to numerous requests, we decided to postpone it to Monday night.  All entrants were working feverishly to get their referrals in. In the end there could only be one winner ......
1st prize went to Zeenath of Jimmy Killer Prawns! She won Platinum package  with us :-)
2nd prize went to Midnight Kisses! They've won our Gold package! and
3rd prize went to Isis Industrial Parts! They've won our Silver package!

A big congrats to all that participated and to those that didn't come up in the top 3, a special thank you for taking part *hugs.
After the results were bc'ed, I received tons of messages to have another competition soon! I plan on running another competition in the New Year, after I've taken time off during December hols! I haven't decided on dates but I'm planning on Christmas-New Years break.

I have come across this funny bc all the time and every time I view it, I think to myself: Whyyyyyyy won't someone pleeeeease just correct this person? If you are excited about something, it's understandable that you make spelling errors .......... But I doubt this person is excited all the time *blocks face

Being excited means you don't know whether you are coming or going!!! Or should I say: EXITING!!!

Halloween was last week one of the days and honestly it doesn't mean anything to me. It's just another day on the calender but to others, they go all out in celebrating this day. To the poor souls who didn't get invited out, they think it's alright to bc messages like these:

Do people honestly believe in messages like these? Really !!! I can't understand how some people can be so gullible *blocks face. To those who received this bc and didn''t bc to their contacts, please leme know if you witnessed any old lady by your bedside..........
But the ffg statuses make me just laugh and wonder.....
This person had nothing better to do on Halloween night, so thought it best to give us updates on whether to bath or not *blocks face......*thumbs down
This has to be a teenager, 'cos do adults put statuses like this? Oh! Must be under 10 years! Run along, will you? Your water is getting cold and u still gotta do your phonics homework LMAO

What do you do when you have a bb with loads of contacts and nobody is chatting to you? Others will bc a msg; "chats anyone" ............ nopes! Apparently this contact prefers to update her status with: 

What's the purpose of holding 3 eggs in your hand AND taking a pic of it AND setting it as dp pic???  I won't be surprised if she uploaded it on her FB and Twitter accounts!
Now this is reaaaaalllly creepy......
The day after Halloween and Laya decides that this is appropriate to have as her status....
I didn't get around to asking her, yes I have her as a contact, but I'm not sure if she works in the morgue and this is her usual early morning status update!!! Probably just got out from her night shift - get another job, honey!

Thank you to everyone who are sending in these and other funny screengrabs, I will get down to answering all your e-mails as soon as I have time. I see I've now an audience from Norway, Ukraine and Germany!!!
I appreciate your input *hugs

Ha! and before I forget to mention, I was expecting Monday morning info from you like you promised..... but I guess I gotta wait a littttttle bit longer, but thanks anyways for chatting, it's great having you as a friend, kisses to the kids - don't mise with them, dont keep for special occasions either !!! You know who you are! Leme know when you are coming Durbs, maybe I can twist hubbys arm for coffee with you or sumthing!!!

Tc people and I trust that you enjoy the rest of this fine week!!!!
Lotsa love

Friday, 1 November 2013

Home Affairs issues

Good morning people!
This week saw the start of the exams for matriculants. All the best for your examinations, youve worked hard all year and this is the culmination of all your hard work. I anticipate many school kids applying for their I.D. documents, from what I've been hearing, new smart cards will be issued and not the boring green I.D. books! This means all of us have to make a trip to the dreaded Home Affairs Dept and stand in those endless queues and wait for 2-4 hours until we reached the front, only to be told that we are standing in the wrong queue! Aaaaargh !!!
A note to everyone - make sure your Blackberry's, iPhones, iPads, Samsungs and all your other tablets and gadgets are fully charged before making the trip to Home Affairs. Yes, many assuming to beat the boredom away - but WAIT - Did you read this?
Staff members have been forced to use lightbulbs connected to their pc's to process applications and members of the public are using light from their cellphones to complete forms. *blocks face
It's really intimidating for someone that's making their first trip to apply for documents and now they have to put up 'shady lighting', hmmm... that was sooo unintentional!

Burrrrrt of course, if you have a contact like this, absolutely noooooo need to make your way to your local Home Affairs office. From the comfort of your home, you can buy your birth certificates, probably just a mouse click away! I wonder if this person delivers? Maybe just an extra charge of R500 to courier 'cos something like this will definitely set you back 1k or more???? LMAO

Which brings me to this:

A fake ID? Oh for heavens sake! Are the youngsters this bold that they bc msgs like these? Ree is definitely under 12 'bcos of the blatant error in spelling 'Thursday'. Kids as young as 6 years have their own devices and thats another topic altogether! Now lets just say she comes in contact with my friend ZP, they will do excellent business together! I imagine her selling them during the school lunch breaks!!! *ROFL

A special mwah to my good friend Ameera, your kind words are really appreciated, *hugs

Its a bright and beautiful Friday morning and I trust that everyone is amped for the weekend. To those of you that sent in these funny screengrabs, keep it coming !!! Your request to remain anonymous has been noted!

Tc people

* Disclaimer: My posts are not intended to hurt or offend anyone.